Dear Business Leader:

It begins with leadership. It is activated by community. It is fueled by passion. It realizes outcomes.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) powers The Project Economy, strengthening society by
enabling organizations and empowering people to make ideas a reality. Every year, the Sioux
Empire South Dakota Chapter holds a Summit focused on engaged project professionals from our
region. This Summit provides a profound continuing education opportunity for the estimated 150-plus
attendees. This year’s event will be hosted at The District on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. It will be
a hybrid event available to both virtual and in-person attendees.

Our Summit would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. Through your sponsorship,
you will gain direct, face-to-face marketing access to project management professionals from across
our region. Our marketing and promotional efforts, along with in-person event options ensure that
your company’s brand and message remain highly visible. Your support this year will allow the PMI
Sioux Empire South Dakota Chapter to continue to provide quality, relevant, and current continuing
education opportunities for local professionals in the project management profession.

Our chapter continues to grow and serve South Dakota and its surrounding areas since being
established in 2004. This year we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary! Many of the area’s
largest and most respected companies are represented, including industry leaders in financial
services, health care, engineering, government, education, and insurance. As we continue to grow,
we will find even more ways to give back to the business community. Please consider supporting our
chapter today.

For more information about the available opportunities for your business to become involved with
the PMI Sioux Empire South Dakota Chapter, please contact Laura Hilmoe at 605-321-1815; or Katie Murphy at 605-201-5043;
Thank you for your continued support of the project management profession in South Dakota.

Sponsorship Application

Please send payment to:

PMI Sioux Empire South Dakota Chapter

4800 S. Louise Ave. #302, 57106

Checks shall be made payable to: PMI Sioux Empire Chapter

Submit signed Sponsorship Package Application and financial commitment by June 7, 2024

Section 1: Contact Information

Section 2: Select Sponsorship Level

Presenting Sponsor includes: Vendor Booth at Summit in high traffic area (or virtual vendor booth); Identified as Summit Lunch Sponsor with Opportunity to Speak; 3 Tickets to Summit (In Person or Virtual); Full Page ad in Summit Program; Logo in Summit Program; Logo on Chapter & Event Web Page/Linked In/Facebook; Name/Logo linking business website included in email blasts advertising Summit to PMI Sioux Empire SD Chapter Members

Platinum Sponsor includes: Vendor Booth at Summit in high traffic area (or virtual vendor booth); Identified as Summit Breakfast Sponsor with Opportunity to Speak; 2 Tickets to Summit (In Person or Virtual); Half Page ad in Summit Program; Logo in Summit Program; Logo on Chapter & Event Web Page/Linked In/Facebook; Name/Logo linking business website included in email blasts advertising Summit to PMI Sioux Empire SD Chapter Members

Diamond Sponsor includes: Vendor Booth at Summit in high traffic area (or virtual vendor booth); Identified as Summit Break Sponsor; 2 Tickets to Summit (In Person or Virtual); Quarter Page Ad Logo in Summit Program; Logo on Chapter & Event Web Page/Linked In/Facebook; Name/Logo linking business website included in email blasts advertising Summit to PMI Sioux Empire SD Chapter Members

Gold Sponsor includes: Vendor Booth at Summit in high traffic area (or virtual vendor booth); 2 Tickets to Summit (In Person or Virtual); Quarter Page Ad Logo in Summit Program; Logo on Chapter & Event Web Page/Linked In/Facebook; Name/Logo linking business website included in email blasts advertising Summit to PMI Sioux Empire SD Chapter Members

Silver/Vendor Sponsor includes: Vendor Booth at Summit in high traffic area (or virtual vendor booth); 1 Ticket to Summit (In Person or Virtual); Logo on Chapter & Event Web Page/Linked In/Facebook; Name/Logo linking business website included in email blasts advertising Summit to PMI Sioux Empire SD Chapter Members

If applicable, vendor give-away:

Total Sponsorship Amount Value:

Section 3: Acknowledgement

On behalf of my organization I agree to sponsor the meeting(s) mentioned above, and will agree to send a check payable to PMI Sioux Empire Chapter for the amount due. I further agree to the terms and conditions noted.

Terms and Conditions, Deferment and Cancellation:

Terms and Conditions Acceptance, Deferment and Cancellation: *PMI Sioux Empire Chapter reserves the right to: Accept only sponsorships that have a direct project management benefit to our membership, limit the number of concurrent sponsorships; and/or defer, refuse, or cancel sponsorships. *PMI Sioux Empire Chapter is constrained by law to limit the fair market value of the goods and services provided to sponsors in return for their financial support. *PMI Sioux Empire Chapter does not provide member or attendance information from these events. *PMI Sioux Empire Chapter does not sell or rent information about its members or conference attendees under any circumstances. Tax Exemption: *PMI Sioux Empire Chapter is Inc. in the state of South Dakota, and operates as a non-profit organization under section 501(c) 6 of the federal tax code. *PMI Sioux Empire Chapter is not a charity under IRS guidelines. As a 501(c) 6 organization, no part of donations or contributions by individuals should be considered deductible as charitable donations. *However, payments and donations by businesses can be deducted as business expenses. Sponsors should check with their tax advisor for details regarding payments to 501(c) 6 tax-nonprofit organizations. *Project Management Institute Sioux Empire Chapter, Inc. *EIN information and 1099 forms available upon request.

All of the fields must be filled.

All required boxes must be checked

Thank you for filling out the form. A PMI representative will contact you shortly with more information.