2021 PMISD Summit (In-Person)
To receive the PMI Chapter Membership Event Discount, you MUST log to PMISD.org before starting registration process.
This Event Registration is for the In-Person Summit Event Only. You can chose to attend the Virtual Event Option. You can only register for one or the other. Virtual Event will not allow Group Registration.
When: Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Cost: $230 for event including meal (Note: Membership & Group Discounts Available)
Location: University of Sioux Falls, 23rd & Summit
Welcome & Registration: Dining Hall, McDonald Center (Bldg 7 - USF Campus Map)
Presentations: Meredith Auditorium, Jeschke Fine Arts Center (Bldg 8 - USF Campus Map)
PDUs: 5.25
Misc: Please contact us via email at if you have any issues registering or have specific questions concerning the 2021 PMISD Summit.
By registering, I grant permission to PMI South Dakota Chapter to take photographs/videos during this event. I understand that this media may be used for promotional purposes on social media platforms, websites, and other marketing materials.
It is no longer possible to register for this event