SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager 4.5 w/ Certification
SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager 4.5 w/ Certification
Develop the skillsets needed to guide the delivery of value in a Lean enterprise—and learn about the activities, tools, and mechanics used to manage backlogs and programs—by becoming a SAFe® 4 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM). During this two-day course, attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of the Agile Release Train (ART), how it delivers value, and what they can do to effectively perform their role.
Attendees will also learn how to apply Lean thinking to write Epics, break them down into Features and Stories, plan and execute Iterations, and plan Program Increments. Finally, attendees learn about the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and DevOps culture, how to effectively integrate as Product Owners and Product Managers, and what it takes to relentlessly improve the ART.
Register at Eventbrite URL:
Promo Code: empire-vip (30% discount)
Anyone that is interested in attending both Scrum Master and Product Owner classes can use this promo code for a $399 discount on each class: sm-popm-1000
Both classes are being held at Interstates Control Systems, Inc.
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